发布日期:2024-01-04 ??浏览次数: 次
大会专访 | 未来发展中国家砂石需求旺盛!——韩国砂石协会政策顾问Meena Hwang博士
2023年12月6日,以“应对变局 理性发展 服务建设 行稳致远”为主题的第八届中国国际砂石骨料大会在上海盛大开幕。这是我国砂石行业近三年首个国际性会议,也是全球砂石行业又一个千人大会。
大会上Meena Hwang介绍到严格的质量控制措施对骨料的质量至关重要,韩国砂石骨料协会致力于提升韩国砂石骨料行业的产品质量。确保骨料质量并提高分销渠道内的透明度需要标准化交付形式展 。展望未来,我们仍然坚定不移地制定标准和健全的法律框架,以不断促进砂石行业的发展。
大会期间,中国砂石协会融媒体中心专访了韩国砂石协会政策顾问Meena Hwang博士。Meena Hwang女士从对中国砂石行业的认识、砂石行业的国际合作以及砂石骨料行业未来的发展趋势等方面分享了观点。
CAA: What is your opinion about the 2023 CAA Shanghai conference? Do you have some new understanding of Chinese aggregates industry and do you have some new gains after participating the conference?
Meena Hwang: I was surprised to see the scale of the conference and the enthusiasm shown by the participants. Although I regularly heard about CAA activities through GAIN calls, participating in the conference gave an understanding of the Chinese aggregates industry in a different light. It was really impressive. There are so many talks, so many of presentations, you have the aggregates extracting business owners, machineries, other cement and rail, so many relevant organizations. They all come together, the workers, CEOS, and professors only in one place. I think is really amazing the scale is really impressive. I just realized how big everything is and a fact that a lot of times we understand the aggregates business very regional but you are expanding to many other places. I saw one company showed that how they expand to African countries and president Hu show aggregates is needed in different parts of the world. I think this are really good demonstrations of where your industry is going.
CAA: At the conference, CAA president Hu delivered a keynote speech on the current international and Chinese domestic economic situation and the sustainable development of the aggregates industry. What is your opinion of his presentation?
Meena Hwang: President Hu's presentation was impressive in many ways. I don't think I ever sat through a presentation that had over 300 slides. So at first, I was surprised at his passion to speak for such a long time. Then I was surprised at the scope of his talk which encompassed a wide range of topics that the industry faces. His presentation showed the vision and direction that CAA aims for. The whole time I was listening to his talk, I could not help but to think that his leadership and insights led to CAA's successful operation. I thought it was because of your president’s leadership, because when he presented about how these different industries fit into one, as a lot of times we see aggregates businesses stand alone, but he made it seem like a very important industry that is a part of the economic development and that is leadership, and I understand that is being very forward. So I think that is why are able to have eight international conferences already and you have been very active in GAIN as well, so now I understand where is that comes from.
CAA: What is your opinion and suggestions on the international cooperation in the aggregates industry?
Meena Hwang: We work in different regions with different socio-economic needs. However, as we strive for the same goal of responsive and sustainable aggregate extraction, we have much to collaborate on. Sharing knowledge and best practices is a good place to start. Knowledge and experience of GAIN members will be of great help to aggregate industry in developing countries. I think current GAIN members should work together to expand our reach.
Meena Hwang女士在第八届中国国际砂石骨料大会上作题为《韩国砂石骨料质量检验检测体系构建及中韩砂石企业合作机遇》的报告
CAA: How do you view the future trend of the global aggregates industry as the world economy is facing downward pressure?
Meena Hwang: The world economy is having a difficult time and the construction and development will be declining in the near future, but aggregates will continue to be the second most used resource across the world even in the economic downturn. Again if you look at the population composition in developing countries, a lot of them are very young, for example Korea is on the other extreme where we are entering a super-aging society in 2025 which means 20% population is over the age of 65, but if you look at population in Pakistan, India and many other countries, the population is mostly young people, which means aggregates demand will definitely be there. And there will be needs for more infrastructure, schools, and housing will grow. Thus, responsible and sustainable extraction will become more important, and technology will play a greater role in this.