


发布日期:2023-11-08 ??浏览次数: 次











在基础设施建设力度加大的带动下,印度建筑设备行业增长26%,2022-2023财年销量超过10万台。矿物加工领域对此做出了显着贡献,筛分机、颚式破碎机、圆锥式破碎机和反击式破碎机的销量增加。履带式挖掘机和反铲装载机占土方设备销量的90%。建筑设备行业预计在2023-2024 财年增长15-20%。印度基础设施建设行业的蓬勃发展预计将持续到2024年及以后,从而推动对设备的更高需求。

The Indian building-materials and construction-equipment sectors are vibrant, putting significant COVID-19-pandemic-induced disruption behind them. Premium mineral products and off-highway machines are in high demand, as are comprehensive manufacturer support services. There is also a notable rise in requests for alternative fuel-powered plants and other sustainability-enhancing solutions. Partha Pratim Basistha reports

Demand for aggregates has continued to be robust in India during 2023. Industry analysts estimate 8-10% growth for the next 12-18 months, driven by new roads, highways, expressways and housing infrastructure works. The high demand for aggregates has swelled the demand for mineral-processing equipment along with extraction, loading and hauling machinery. This is partly due to the sheer volume of road construction. The National Highways Development Project, led by the Indian government, aims to expand the country’s current expressway network with an additional 18,637km of greenfield expressways by 2025. A four-lane greenfield national highways network of nearly 50,000km under the National Highway Development Project [Phase 6 & 7] is also planned.

Strong aggregate demand is also down to expanding Indian railway infrastructure. As well as the doubling and tripling of track capacities, preparations are underway to start the high-speed Ahmadabad- Mumbai rail project in Western India, which will require a vast quantity of virgin ballast materials. Granite, gabbro, aplite, dolerite, rhyolite, basalt, sandstone, limestone, granulite, gneiss, schist and marble are all in great demand across the Indian infrastructure construction industry.

Led by heightened infrastructure construction, the Indian construction-equipment industry registered an impressive growth of 26%, with sales of over 100,000 units during the 2022-2023 financial year. The mineral-processing segment notably contributed to this, with increased sales of screeners, jaw, cone, and impact crushers. Tracked excavators and backhoe loaders accounted for 90% of earthmoving equipment sales. The construction-equipment industry is expected to grow 15-20% in the 2023-2024 financial year. The buoyancy of India’s infrastructure construction sector is expected to continue well into 2024 and beyond, fuelling higher demand for equipment.


人们对印度建筑设备制造商的持续出口竞争力感到担忧。沃尔沃建筑设备印度公司董事总经理迪米特洛夫·克里希南 (Dimitrov Krishnan) 表示:“印度消费电子制造商一直向包括发达国家在内的100多个国家出口产品,但要充分利用产能,强大的供应链生态系统势在必行。”

安迈印度公司董事总经理阿南德·桑德拉桑 (Anand Sundrasan) 也持有类似观点,他补充道:“目前制造业的过剩产能仍未得到充分利用。这是由于物流供应链的缺口造成的。此外,钢材价格波动也会影响盈利能力和出口竞争力。”

在印度采石场大规模活动的带动下,挖掘机需求可能在2023-2024财年增长 15%,这主要是由于20吨级机器的普及。分析人士认为,国家基础设施建设规模也将显着促进挖掘装载机销量。



Kalmadi 继续说道:“在北方邦、北阿坎德邦、旁遮普邦和哈里亚纳邦占西采石场活动扩张的带动下,我们看到对轮式装载机的需求逐渐从3吨级转向5吨级,使用1.2立方米的桶而不是0.9立方米的桶。这反映出目前人们更倾向于用250吨和350吨/小时的破碎设备加工骨料,而不是之前首选的150吨/小时的破碎设备。

There are some concerns over the continuing export competitiveness of Indian construction equipment manufacturers. Dimitrov Krishnan, managing director of Volvo CE India, says: “Indian CE manufacturers have been exporting to over 100 countries, including advanced nations, but to fully harness capacity, a robust supply chain ecosystem is imperative.”

Sharing similar views, Anand Sunderasan, managing director of Ammann India, adds: “The current excess capacity in manufacturing remains underutilised. This is due to gaps in the logistics supply chain. Additionally, volatility in steel prices impacts profitability and export competitiveness.”

Led by large-scale activity in India’s quarry sector, excavator demand is likely to grow 15% in the 2023-2024 financial year, mostly due to the popularity of 20-tonne class machines. Analysts believe the scale of national infrastructure construction will also notably boost backhoe loader sales.

Jayakara Kalmadi. regional business head, North, at Tata Hitachi, Construction Machinery, India, says: “Demand for excavators from the quarry sector has continued for the 20-tonne class machines. Quarry owners find the 20-tonne class units more profitable as margins remain compressed owing to higher fuel costs. A similar trend can be seen in 30-tonne-plus class excavators for marble and granite mining.”


Kalmadi continues: “Led by the expansion of activities in quarry clusters of Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, and Haryana, we are witnessing a gradual shift in demand for wheeled loaders from the 3-tonne class to the 5-tonne class using 1.2m³ buckets rather than 0.9m³ buckets. This reflects the current preference for processing higher volumes of aggregate in 250 and 350-tonne-per-hour crushing plants rather than the previously preferred 150-tonne-per-hour units.



柳工印度公司营销高级副总裁 Nischal Mehrotra 表示,20吨级挖掘机的需求将继续主导采石场领域。“然而,对于某些每小时产能为250-300吨的采石场,生产率要求较高,工作时间较长(15-16 小时),现在需要更大的26.5吨机器。我们已经从印度北部的一些大型采石场业主甚至道路承包商处获得了更大容量挖掘机的重复订单。”

Mehrotra 继续说道:“有趣的是,一些砂石生产商也对3吨以上以及5吨以下的设备感兴趣。为了满足这一需求,我们最近为印度市场推出了848型4.5吨级轮式装载机,配备更新的排放标准发动机,目标是200-250吨破碎和筛分工厂。”


卡特彼勒采石场和骨料(亚太地区)行业解决方案经理 Rahul Srivastava 表示,根据采石场的规模,20-23吨挖掘机(例如 Cat 320D3 GC、320D3 和 323D3)是印度客户对工作面装料和破碎机给料的热门选择。“对于中型采石场,Cat 330 GC 等30吨挖掘机是高效且高效的选择。在大型采石场,尤其是石灰石采石场,Cat 350、374 和 395 大型挖掘机可提供高生产水平,并可与 Cat 770G、772G 和 777E 卡车配合使用。Cat 777E 提供一流的生产率、更高的燃油经济性和扭矩,以及耐用且每吨成本低廉的选项。

“Demand for higher capacity wheeled loaders is also due to quarries' greater production of manufactured sand. We had been having some good enquiries from some of the crushing plant operators in North India for the hydrostatic wheeled loaders.”

According to Nischal Mehrotra, senior vice president of marketing for LiuGong India, the demand for 20-ton class excavators will continue to dominate the quarry segments. “However, for certain quarries having 250-300 tonnes-per-hour plants with higher productivity requirements and longer working duration of between 15-16 hours, there is now demand for bigger 26.5-tonne machines. We have been getting repeat orders for the bigger capacity excavators from some big quarry owners and even road contractors in North India.”

Mehrotra continues: “ Interestingly, some owners have also been interested in the below 5-ton class and above 3-tonne units. To cater to this, we have recently introduced for the Indian Market our 848, 4.5-tonne class wheeled loaders, with newer emission norm engines, targeting 200-250-tonne crushing and screening plants.”


Rahul Srivastava, industry solutions manager - Quarry & Aggregates (Asia Pacific) Caterpillar, says that depending on the quarry size, 20-23-tonne excavators, such as the Cat 320D3 GC, 320D3 and 323D3, are a popular Indian customer choice for face loading and crusher feeding. “For mid-sized quarries, 30-tonne excavators, such as the Cat 330 GC, are an efficient and productive choice. In large quarries, especially with limestone, the Cat 350, 374, and 395 large excavators provide high production levels and can work together with the Cat 770G, 772G and 777E trucks. The Cat 777E offers best-in-class productivity, increased fuel economy and torque, and a durable, low-cost-per-tonne option.


“对于工作面装载,Cat 986K和988K大型轮式装载机能够在具有良好爆破破碎效果的采石场中以更低的成本高效、安全地搬运物料。采石场可以将 Cat 大型轮式装载机配置为骨料搬运机,并且可以为花岗岩和大理石采石场提供块料搬运配置。”

为了推动印度的挖掘机业务,制造商根据新的应用需求提供更具多功能性的机器。这是通过破碎机铲斗、混凝土切割机和剪切机(拆除和回收需求)以及液压锤等附件实现的。反铲装载机制造商也开始推出配备 CVF IV 电子发动机的新机器,可提高 8-12% 的燃油效率,并降低 15% 的维护成本。

斗山山猫印度公司和 SAARC(南亚区域合作协会)销售总监 Manjunath Shankarappa 指出,迷你挖掘机现在已成为一些印度采石场运营商的流行机器。“由于反铲装载机和挖掘机的初始成本较高,一些中小型采石场业主正在寻找 2 吨、3.5 吨和 5 吨之间、可与破碎锤附件配合使用的小型挖掘机。该机器也是拆除工作的首选。”


山特维克最近在印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦浦那启用了第二家最先进的工厂,以组装其巨型采矿和隧道钻机。该公司在工厂落成典礼期间将两台 DT820 设备的钥匙移交给了客户。

山特维克巨型钻机已部署在许多著名的印度隧道基础设施项目中。成功实施的一些著名例子包括锡金(印度东部)的 SevokRangpo 铁路项目、喜马偕尔邦的 Kuther 水力发电项目、喜马偕尔邦(印度北部)的 Kangra 绕道公路隧道。最负盛名的项目之一是 Rishikesh-Karnaprayag 铁路项目,DT820 台车在该项目中展现了卓越的性能。

“For face loading, the Cat 986K and 988K large wheeled loaders move material efficiently and safely at a lower cost per tonne in quarries with good blasting fragmentation. Quarries can configure the Cat large wheeled loaders as aggregate handlers and a block-handling configuration is available for granite and marble quarries.”

To drive the excavator business in India, manufacturers offer machines with more versatility based on newer application needs. This is through attachments like crusher buckets, concrete cutting and shearing machines (demolition and recycling needs), and hydraulic hammers. Backhoe loader manufacturers have also begun introducing new machines with CVF IV electronic engines that deliver 8-12% fuel efficiency and a 15% reduction in maintenance costs.

Mini excavators are now emerging as popular machines for some Indian quarry operators, notes Manjunath Shankarappa, director of sales for India and SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) at Doosan Bobcat India. “Due to the higher initial costs of backhoe loaders and excavators, some medium- and small-size quarry owners are looking for mini excavators between 2, 3.5 and 5 tonnes that can work with breaker attachments. The machine is also a preference for demolition jobs.”

To meet the growing long-term projected demand for equipment from the Indian construction sector and reduce initial acquisition costs, original foreign equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are expanding their production capacities in India. This is through localised production. Major capacity expansions are also underway by Indian manufacturers as well.

Sandvik recently commissioned its second state-of-the-art plant in Pune, Maharashtra, Western India, to assemble its jumbo mining and tunnelling drill rigs. The company handed over the keys to two DT820 units to customers during the plant's inauguration.

The Sandvik jumbo drills have been deployed in numerous prestigious Indian tunnel infrastructure projects. Some notable examples of their successful implementation are the SevokRangpo Rail Project in Sikkim (Eastern India), Kuther Hydro Electric Project in Himachal, Kangra Bypass Road tunnel in Himachal Pradesh( North India). One of the most prestigious is the Rishikesh-Karnaprayag Rail Project, where the DT820 jumbo drills displayed superior capabilities.


米塔尔告诉 Aggregates Business,虽然巨型钻机从山特维克欧洲工厂到印度的交货时间接近四到五个月,其中包括从欧洲到印度港口的两个月运输时间,但新的生产装置将使山特维克能够更快地提供产品交付和更高效的链接服务。


Profive工程(Profive Engineering)总监 Manik Daware 表示:“我们是维特根印度公司履带式破碎站的预制组件、输送机零件和支腿的供应商。我们还为 Hyva India 制造刚性自卸卡车车身。最近,在我们位于浦那的 Chakan 工厂,我们开始为 JCB UK 和该公司新的印度浦那工厂生产的山特维克巨型钻机生产组件。2022年和2023年的业务都相当不错。”

为了满足国外和一些印度原始设备制造商 (OEM) 的制造产品标准,Proive 已获得 ISO 3834-2焊接认证。该公司还在扩大 Chakan 的生产能力。

另一个新兴趋势是替代燃料驱动的建筑设备和更广泛的增强可持续性的生产技术的普及。印度公路运输和高速公路联盟部长尼廷·加德卡里 (Nitin Gadkari) 最近在骨料企业参加的一次研讨会上发表了讲话,该研讨会重点关注替代燃料的本地化、可持续性和使用,以降低设备运营成本。加德卡里强调,需要采用可持续技术和乙醇和甲醇等替代燃料,这可以将运营成本降低25%至40%,从而提高建筑业的竞争力和经济活力。

他敦促利益相关者之间在实施印度可持续发展路线图时进行合作、协调和沟通。“制造商必须开发具有成本效益的设备,维护工人的安全,并促进创造就业机会。” 加德卡里还强调了印度承诺政府将改善道路基础设施、煤炭开采、机场和水道。他表示,充分利用现有资源并保持高质量标准也将推动国际市场对印度制造设备的需求。

Mittal told Aggregates Business that while the delivery time for jumbo drills from Sandvik’s European facility to India had been close to four to five months, including two months shipping time from Europe to an Indian port, the new production unit will allow Sandvik to offer far faster delivery and more efficient linked services.

Major global manufacturers' investment in India-based production and assembly facilities is also proving a good business-generation tool for the country’s parts supply businesses.

Manik Daware, director of Profive Engineering, says: “We are suppliers of fabricated components, conveyors parts and outriggers for tracked crushing plants to Wirtgen India. We also do the fabrication of rigid dump truck bodies for Hyva India. Very recently, at our Chakan plant in Pune, we have begun production of components for JCB UK and the Sandvik jumbo drill rigs being produced at the company’s new Pune India plant. Business has been quite good during 2022 and also in 2023.”

To meet the fabricated product standards for foreign and some Indian original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), Profive has acquired ISO 3834-2 welding certification. The company is also expanding its Chakan production capacity.

Another emerging trend is the popularity of alternative fuel-powered construction equipment and wider sustainability-enhancing production technologies. Nitin Gadkari, India’s Union Road Transport and Highways Minister, addressed a recent seminar attended by Aggregates Business focused on localisation, sustainability and usage of alternate fuels to bring down equipment-operation costs. Gadkari stressed the need to adopt sustainable technology and alternative fuels such as ethanol and methanol, which could reduce operational costs by 25 to 40%, boosting the construction industry's competitiveness and economic viability.

He urged cooperation, coordination, and communication among stakeholders in implementing India’s sustainability roadmap. “Manufacturers must develop cost-effective equipment, uphold worker's safety, and foster job creation.” Gadkari also underscored the Indian government's commitment to improving road infrastructure, coal mining, airports, and waterways. He said that making the best use of available resources and maintaining high-quality standards would also drive demand for Made in India equipment in international markets.


特雷克斯印度公司亚洲、欧洲、中东和非洲地区董事总经理 Jaideep Shekhar 表示,根据印度政府的指令,在道路建设中利用废料,特别是矿渣,作为减少对原始骨料依赖的科学方法正在获得认可。“此类做法已成功应用于印度北部卢迪亚纳公路建设等项目。破碎和筛分行业中的玩滚球的十大平台和电气化受到广泛欢迎,远程信息处理和移动解决方案正在通过更好的设备使用情况跟踪来提高生产率。”

为了实现可持续发展并降低运营成本,柳工印度公司积极推广其电动 856E Max-EW 六吨轮式装载机在印度市场的销售。该机器于2023年印度国际建筑建材机械展 bauma Conexpo 期间推出。

柳工印度公司的Nischal Mehrotra表示:“我们一直在努力证明这些机器的性能和成本竞争力,到目前为止已经销售了两台设备。第三台机器正在试用中。我们的目标是水泥厂、电厂、甚至每小时产能超过350吨的大型破碎机的采石场。”

用户发现装载机的性能极具成本竞争力,因为与同类轮式装载机声称的 17 升/单位电力消耗相比,其成本为3.3单位电力消耗。此外,这些机器很简单,维护成本可以忽略不计。”

在谈到 VE Commercial Vehicles 的刚性自卸卡车和其他道路车辆的绿色技术方法时,该公司董事总经理兼首席执行官维诺德·阿加瓦尔 (Vinod Aggarwal) 表示:“作为沃尔沃集团和 Eicher Motors 之间 15 年的合资企业,VE Commercial Vehicles (VECV) 拥有通过 Eicher 和沃尔沃品牌为印度客户提供现代可持续交通解决方案的良好记录。如今,我们的电动卡车和公共汽车在特定应用中与先进的客户合作。

Jaideep Shekhar, managing director for Asia/EMEAR at Terex India, says that in line with Indian government directives, utilising waste material in road construction, particularly slag usage, is gaining acceptance as a scientific approach to reducing reliance on virgin aggregates. “Such practices have been successfully applied in projects like the Ludhiana Road construction in North India. Manufactured sand and electrification in the crushing and screening industry is widely embraced, and telematics and mobility solutions are improving productivity through better equipment usage tracking.”

Looking to deliver sustainability and lower operations costs, LiuGong India has aggressively promoted the sales of its electric 856E Max-EW six-tonne wheeled loaders for the Indian market. The machine was launched during bauma Conexpo India 2023.

LiuGong India’s Nischal Mehrotra says: “We have been working to prove the performance cost-competitiveness of the machines and have been able to sell two units so far. The third machine is under trial. We are targeting the loaders for the cement, power steel plants and even big-size crushing units beyond 350-tonnes-per-hour capacity.”

The users have found the loaders' performance highly cost-competitive as it costs them 3.3 units of electricity consumption compared to a claimed 17 litres/unit for a similar class wheeled loader. Furthermore, the machines, being simple, have negligible maintenance costs.”

Speaking about VE Commercial Vehicles’ approach to green technologies for its rigid dump trucks and other on-road vehicles, Vinod Aggarwal, the company’s managing director and CEO, says: “As a 15-year joint venture between Volvo Group and Eicher Motors, VE Commercial Vehicles (VECV) has a track record of bringing modern and sustainable transportation solutions to customers through the Eicher and Volvo brands in India. Today, our electric trucks and buses operate with progressive customers in specific applications.


“我们针对电动、氢燃料电池、氢内燃机、生物混合和 CNG(压缩天然气)动力机器制定了先进的计划。随着充电基础设施的改善和绿色能源在印度的广泛普及,我们预计采用电动和清洁技术汽车的客户会越来越多。”

印度采石场和破碎筛分承包商对通过增强 OEM 设备支持来延长机器正常运行时间和性能的需求不断增长,印度建筑巨头Dineshchandra R. Agrawal Infracon (Dineshchandra)首席运营官 Ashutosh Chandwar 表示:“我们有严格的内部目标 我们的破碎设备、挖掘机、反铲装载机和轮式装载机的可用性为85%。我们的预拌混凝土设备、喷射混凝土设备、喷杆浇注机和混凝土泵也设定了类似的目标。对于我们的刚性自卸车,其可用性要求高达95%。我们只会选择能够通过适当的服务协议满足我们设定的机械可用性需求的设备品牌。”

Chandwar表示,虽然Dineshchandra拥有采购卡特彼勒挖掘机的悠久历史,但由于该制造商的印度经销商提供的产品质量支持,该公司最近还收购了神钢挖掘机。“塔塔汽车公司的情况类似,他们提供及时的产品支持服务,”Chandwar说道,并指出 Dineshchandra 最近购买了 15 辆塔塔2518 刚性自卸卡车。


为了确保降低破碎和筛分装置的运营成本,Dineshchandra 一直采用合同破碎。“当我们需要生产50万吨骨料时,我们会与破碎和筛分原始设备制造商签订合同服务协议。OEM运营并支持工厂;我们按每吨向他们支付费用。有时,我们将工厂外包给独立的工厂运营商,我们的责任仍然只是提供巨石材料。”

Chandwar 表示,Dineshchandra 最近与特雷克斯印度公司签订了一项服务协议,为其新建的湿法洗砂厂提供服务。“六个月前,该设备安装在我们的一个项目工地。根据协议,特雷克斯将为我们提供该工厂30万吨的产量以及该工厂的运营和支持。”

“We have advanced plans for electric, hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen ICE [internal combustion engine], bio blend and CNG [compressed natural gas] powered machines. As charging infrastructure improves and green energy becomes widely available in India, we forecast rapid adoption of our electric and clean technology vehicles by customers.”

Commenting on growing Indian quarry and crushing and screening contractor demand for greater machine uptime and performance via enhanced OEM equipment support, Ashutosh Chandwar, chief operating officer at Indian construction major Dineshchandra R. Agrawal Infracon (Dineshchandra), says: “We have strict internal targets of 85% availability for our crushing plants, excavators, backhoe loaders and wheeled loaders. A similar target is set for our ready-mix concrete equipment, shotcrete equipment, boom placers and concrete pumps. For our rigid dump trucks, it is as high as 95% availability required. We are only going for equipment brands that meet our set machinery availability needs with appropriate service agreements.”

Chandwar says that while Dineshchandra has a long history of purchasing Caterpillar excavators, the company also recently acquired Kobelco excavators due to the quality of the product support offered by the manufacturer’s Indian dealer. “It’s a similar case with Tata Motors, who provide timely product support services,” says Chandwar, noting that Dineshchandra recently acquired 15 Tata 2518 rigid dump trucks.


To ensure lower operating costs of its crushing and screening units, Dineshchandra has been going in for contract crushing. “When we need to produce 5 lakh tons of aggregates, we enter into contractual service agreements with crushing and screening OEMs. The OEMs operate and support the plants; we pay them per tonne. Sometimes, we outsource our plants to independent plant operators, where our responsibility remains only to make the boulder feed materials available.”

Chandwar says Dineshchandra recently entered into a service agreement with Terex India for one of its new wet-process sand-washing plants. “The plant was installed in one of our project sites six months ago. Based on the agreement, Terex will deliver us an output of 3 lakh tonnes from the plant along with operating and supporting the plant.”


Dineshchandra 拥有两级特雷克斯和山特维克破碎和筛分设备,包括颚式破碎机和立轴冲击器 (VSI)。该公司还拥有圆锥破碎机和基于 VSI 的三级设备。Dineshchandra 涉及的主要基础设施项目包括全长 17 公里的艾哈迈达巴德-孟买高铁项目。该公司还正在建设一段 35 公里长的德里-孟买高速公路。

另一家印度大公司 H.G. Infra Engineering (H.G. Infra) 经常选择压缩合同的方式。该公司正在向印度北部北方邦的恒河高速公路交付价值 500 亿印度卢比的大项目。H.G. Infra 在印度北部其他三个邦:喜马偕尔邦、北阿坎德邦、查谟和克什米尔还有其他主要道路开发项目。

H.G. Infra 工厂和机械副总裁 Subhash Sharma 表示:“我们有多种破碎工厂运营模式,其中一些基于外包破碎活动,以降低运营成本并确保稳定的总供应。根据服务协议,我们将工厂移交给原始设备制造商运行,并为我们提供由年度维护合同支持的商定吨位吞吐量。我们还将我们的工厂外包给专业运营机构来生产约定数量的材料。在其他情况下,我们自己部署和操作破碎机。然而,这取决于可破碎的巨石材料的可用性。


Dineshchandra possesses two-stage Terex and Sandvik crushing and screening plants consisting of jaw crushers and vertical shaft impactors (VSI). The company also has cone crusher and VSI-based three-stage plants. Major infrastructure projects involving Dineshchandra include a 17km stretch of the Ahmadabad-Mumbai High-Speed Rail Project. It is also building a 35km stretch of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway.

Another major Indian company, H.G. Infra Engineering (H.G. Infra), regularly opts for a contract-crushing approach. The business is delivering a major INR 5000 crore package to Ganga Expressway in the Northern India state of Uttar Pradesh. H.G. Infra has other major road development projects in three other Northern India states, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir.

Subhash Sharma, vice president of plant and machinery at H.G. Infra, says: “We have varied models of operating our crushing plants, some of which are based on outsourcing our crushing activities to reduce operating costs and ensure a steady aggregate supply. Based on service agreements, we hand over our plants for OEMs to run and give us an agreed tonnage throughput backed by an annual maintenance contract. We also outsource our plants to professional operating agencies to produce an agreed volume of material. On other occasions, we deploy and operate our crushers ourselves. However, this depends on the availability of boulder materials to crush.

“Outsourcing crushing is often viable due to the big size of our projects, where we usually require more than 500,000 tonnes of aggregates.”







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