发布日期:2023-10-23 ??浏览次数: 次
◆ 伯灵顿计划对柯比采石场进行数百万英镑的投资
◆美卓将于2024年春季推出突破性的 Lokotrack EC 系列产品
◆安百拓发布新一代SmartROC C50钻机
坎布里亚郡的 BURLINGTON Stone 宣布对其柯比采石场投资数百万英镑,进行采石场重建、购买计算机辅助生产设备以及开发新的太阳能项目,以促进采石场未来几十年的可持续发展。
这家拥有170年历史的企业是 Holker 集团的一部分,已投资500万英镑重新开发采石场,剥离表层以获取高质量的资源储量。
Burlington Stone 董事总经理 Richard Page 表示,新的CNC机床将提高该公司石材工人的技能,并能够为其建筑产品高效生产更大、更复杂的定制形状。’
在宣布对Kirkby Quarry进行投资之前,Burlington Stone 收购了位于巴罗的 Burlington Aggregates 剩余50%的股份。
从Neil Price Construction Services收购其余业务后,该业务规模扩大了一倍,成为西北地区最大的独立建筑材料集团之一。
对于伯灵顿来说,这是激动人心的时刻。新业务将把Burlington Stone的高质量、完善的屋顶和建筑业务与Burlington Aggregates 经验丰富的骨料和预拌混凝土团队结合起来。
与此同时,安装在采石场工厂屋顶上的 890 块太阳能电池板每年将产生27.5万千瓦时的电力,几乎是该场年用电量的三分之一。
Burlington unveil multi-million-pound investments at Kirkby Quarry
BURLINGTON Stone in Cumbria have unveiled a multi-million-pound investment in their Kirkby Quarry, securing the future of the business for decades to come.
The 170-year-old business, part of the Holker Group, has invested £5 million redeveloping the quarry, removing overburden to access high-quality reserves.
In addition, £300,000 has been invested in modern, computer-controlled ‘CNC’ machinery for cutting and polishing the quarry’s high-quality architectural stone products, which are seen in statement projects across the world, and a further £250,000 on solar panels which will deliver one-third of the quarry’s electricity needs.
According to Burlington Stone’s managing director, Richard Page, the new CNC machines will enhance the skills of the firm’s stone workers and allow efficient production of larger and more complex bespoke shapes for its architectural products.
‘We are using CNCs in ways that fit with Burlington’s values,’ said Mr Page. ‘We will never come away from the high levels of craftsmanship and hand-finished quality of our products that we are renowned for. It’s to supplement the craft element, not replace it.’
The announcement of the Kirkby Quarry investments follows the acquisition by Burlington Stone of the remaining part of their 50% stake in Barrow-based Burlington Aggregates.
The acquisition of the rest of the business from Neil Price Construction Services doubles the size of the business to form one of the largest independently owned construction materials groups in the North West.
Mr Page said the move would enable Burlington to further improve the services provided to their customers, enhance their ability to develop new products, and secure jobs across South Cumbria.
‘These are exciting times for Burlington. The new business will bring together the high-quality, well-established roofing and architectural business of Burlington Stone with the experienced aggregates and ready-mixed concrete team at Burlington Aggregates,’ he said.
Meanwhile, the 890 solar panels fitted to the quarry’s factory roofs will generate 275,000kWh of electricity a year, which is nearly one-third of the site’s annual consumption.
‘This major solar investment at Kirkby Quarry is a big step in our innovative journey to significantly reducing our carbon emissions,’ said Mr Page. ‘Within days of the first electricity being produced, we have been able to measure and share live data with our teams of the impact it is already having on our carbon footprint.’
美卓将于2024年春季推出突破性的 Lokotrack EC 系列产品
美卓将于2024年春季推出其新型Lokotrack EC柴电破碎机和筛分机系列的首批型号。
此次名为 Lokolaunch 的发布会将于2024年5月14日至16日在芬兰坦佩雷的诺基亚竞技场举行。
新型履带式 Lokotrack 系列称为EC系列,是在美卓自 2020 年以来一直在开发的独特新平台上设计和制造的。Lokotrack EC 装置配备了下一代柴电电力线。所有过程功能均由电力驱动并通过自动化控制,始终以最佳负载水平运行。新型 Lokotrack 将拥有坚固而独特的设计,并配备最新的数字工具,使设备的操作和维护变得比以往更加容易。
“新的Lokotrack EC系列将为骨料的移动破碎和筛分带来变革。这种具有更高效率和更低排放的新型混合设备也将为美卓的Planet Positive产品和公司实现其雄心勃勃的气候目标的承诺做出重大贡献。此产品系列及其相关零件和服务旨在满足行业不断变化的需求。”美卓新 Lokotrack 产品总监 Jarmo Vuorenpää 说道。
除了在 Lokolaunch 活动中推出新的 Lokotrack EC 系列外,美卓还将展示破碎技术、数字工具的利用以及零件和服务方面的最新进展,旨在显着提高客户在设备整个生命周期中的运营效率和生产力。
Metso launching groundbreaking Lokotrack EC range at Lokolaunch in spring 2024
Metso will launch the first models of its new Lokotrack EC diesel-electric crusher and screener range in spring 2024. The launch event, called Lokolaunch, will take place at the Nokia Arena in Tampere, Finland, on May 14-16, 2024, and it will be the biggest aggregates customer event of the year.
The new track-mounted Lokotrack range, called EC range, is designed and built on a unique new platform that Metso has been developing since 2020. The Lokotrack EC units feature a next-generation diesel-electric powerline. All process functions are electrically driven and controlled by automation to always perform at the optimal load level. The new Lokotrack will have a robust and distinctive design and feature the latest digital tools, making operating and maintaining the units easier than ever.
"The new Lokotrack EC range will be transformational for the mobile crushing and screening of aggregates. This new hybrid equipment with higher efficiency and lower emissions will also significantly contribute to Metso's Planet Positive offering and the company's commitment to reach its ambitious climate targets. The new range, along with its related parts and services, has been designed to address the evolving needs of the industry," says Jarmo Vuorenpää, Director of the new Lokotrack offering at Metso.
In addition to launching the new Lokotrack EC range at the Lokolaunch event, Metso will present the latest advancements in crushing technology, utilisation of digital tools, and parts and services designed to significantly enhance the customer's operational efficiency and productivity throughout the entire lifecycle of their equipment.
安百拓发布新一代SmartROC C50钻机
安百拓推出了新一代SmartROC C50钻机,具有新型智能图形界面和更高的燃油效率,将顶锤钻进的高穿透率与潜孔钻进的卓越孔质量结合在一起。
安百拓地面部门全球产品经理 Ulf Gyllander 表示他们对露天钻机进行了微调和改进,以助力全球的采矿和采石作业。
安百拓表示,SmartROC C50 是市场上最快、最安全、最高效的钻机之一。这得益于 COPROD 技术,该技术提供了钻孔精度和最佳爆破效果的结合。
新一代SmartROC C50现已配备更新的钻机控制系统(RCS),据称该系统可将燃油效率提高高达5%。智能 RCS 系统持续监控压缩机负载并跟踪发动机转速/分钟,以确保不浪费燃料并将对环境的影响降至最低。
Gyllander 先生表示使用更少的燃油对于节省成本有很大影响,而 SmartROC C50 的燃油消耗是市场上最低的。
新一代 SmartROC C50 还配备了易于使用的新型触摸屏,其中包括更新的图形界面。屏幕提供有价值的信息,并向操作员呈现“随钻测量”等数据。更新后的系统优化了工作流程,使导航变得更加容易,增强的自动化减少了对操作员的要求。
Gyllander 先生表示SmartROC C50 提供了改进的爆破效果,其智能技术可以为操作员的每一步操作提供帮助。
Epiroc release new-generation SmartROC C50
FEATURING a new, smart graphical interface and even better fuel efficiency, Epiroc have released a new generation of their SmartROC C50 drill rig that combines the high penetration rates of top-hammer drilling with the superior hole quality of down-the-hole drilling.
‘We have fine-tuned and improved an already top-class surface drill rig,’ said Ulf Gyllander, global product manager with Epiroc’s Surface division. ‘The new generation of the SmartROC C50 will be beneficial to mining and quarrying operations around the globe.’
According to Epiroc, the SmartROC C50 is one of fastest, safest, and most efficient drill rigs available on the market. This is due to the COPROD technology, which offers a combination of drilling precision and optimal blasting results.
The new generation of SmartROC C50 is now fitted with an updated Rig Control System (RCS), which is said to improves fuel efficiency by up to 5%. The smart RCS system constantly monitors the compressor load and keep track of engine rev/min to ensure no fuel is wasted and that environmental impact is kept to a minimum.
‘Using less fuel has a big impact on cost savings – and the SmartROC C50 offers the lowest fuel consumption on the market,’ said Mr Gyllander.
The new generation of SmartROC C50 is also equipped with a new, easy-to-use touchscreen which includes an updated graphical interface. The screen provides valuable information and presents the operator with data such as Measure While Drilling. The updated system optimizes workflow and makes navigation even easier, with enhanced automation reducing the demands placed on the operator.
The new display also assists with trouble shooting by showing exactly where a problem is located so that downtime can be kept to a minimum. The smart technology also boosts productivity thanks to more precise drilling and consistency in operations.
‘The SmartROC C50 delivers improved blast results and the smart technology assists the operator every step of the way,’ said Mr Gyllander.
沃尔沃建筑设备(Volvo CE)在2023年第三季度保持了良好的销售业绩,同时以新的解决方案支持电动化转型,加速行业转型。
第三季度,沃尔沃建筑设备公司整体净销售额达 242.96 亿瑞典克朗(21.05亿欧元),较去年同期的242.38亿瑞典克朗(21亿欧元)略有增长。经汇率变动调整后,净销售额小幅下降4%,其中机器净销售额下降5%,而服务销售额增长4%。调整后营业收入为37.33 亿瑞典克朗(2022年为37.73亿瑞典克朗),对应调整后营业利润率为15.4%。
第三季度,该公司推出了首款适用于EC230电动挖掘机等大型电机的电力装置。Power Unit目前正在与瑞典的一家客户合作,为偏远地区的电机提供高功率充电,这些地区的电网接入能力有限。沃尔沃建筑设备公司还向欧洲其他主要市场的客户扩大了 EC230 电动挖掘机的供应范围。
沃尔沃建筑设备公司负责人Melker Jernberg表示:“在充满挑战的经济环境中,本季度我们表现出色,同时继续推动向更高效和可持续的建筑解决方案的长期转型。保持这种稳健的业绩对于帮助我们引领行业转型至关重要。”
本季度,由于巴西和中国经济放缓以及欧洲的供应挑战,全球交付量下降了21%,而净订单量也下降了27%。 这主要是由于中国需求下降和欧洲的谨慎态度所致。然而,北美地区的交付量增加了33%,订单量增加了196%。
Volvo CE earnings stable in Q3
Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) maintained a good sales performance in Q3 2023 while accelerating the industry shift with new solutions to support the electric transformation.
Growth in North America and stable sales in Europe ensured steady earnings for the Swedish off-highway equipment giant, with signs of a softening towards the end of the quarter. Service solutions are growing in profitability, with a rise in sales compared to the same period last year.
In Q3, Volvo CE overall net sales amounted to SEK 24,296mn (€2,105mn), a modest increase from SEK 24,238mn (€2,100mn) in the same quarter last year. When adjusted for currency movements, net sales decreased slightly by 4%, of which net sales of machines decreased by 5% while service sales increased by 4%. Adjusted operating income amounted to SEK 3,733 M (SEK 3,773 M in 2022), corresponding to an adjusted operating margin of 15.4%.
This third quarter saw the unveiling of the company’s first electric power unit for larger electric machines like the EC230 Electric excavator. Allowing for high-power charging of electric machines in remote locations where access to a stable grid connection is limited, the Power Unit is now working with a customer in Sweden. Volvo CE also expanded the availability of the EC230 Electric excavator to customers in additional key markets in Europe.
Meanwhile, the company inaugurated an innovation centre in North America to train technicians in diesel and electric heavy equipment, machine control technology, connectivity and productivity services.
Melker Jernberg, Head of Volvo CE, says: “We have performed well this quarter during a challenging economic environment while continuing to drive the long-term transformation towards more efficient and sustainable construction solutions. Maintaining this solid performance is essential to help us also lead the way with our industry’s transformation.”
Ensuring stable earnings this quarter, the North American market grew by 10% in the year to date, supported by continued large infrastructure projects and strong commercial construction that offsets a weaker residential sector. While in Europe, the market slowed slightly due to a weakening macroeconomic outlook and increasing interest rates but still maintained a modest 4% growth.
The market in South America declined by 25% due to low investment levels in Brazil and low business confidence among customers. Meanwhile, the Chinese market demand weakened substantially compared to last year, with a 40% drop caused largely by a decrease in real estate investments. In other Asian markets, demand has increased in India, Japan and the Middle East, offset by a lower market in South Korea and Indonesia, resulting in a steady development rate of 3%.
During the quarter, global deliveries decreased by 21% thanks to a slowdown in Brazil and China and supply challenges in Europe, while net order intake also declined by 27%. This was largely driven by lower demand in China and cautiousness in Europe. North America, however, is providing some strength with a 33% increase in deliveries and a 196% increase in orders.