

美卓收购 Tedd Engineering、山特维克推出新型颚式破碎机——国外装备企业新动态

发布日期:2023-10-23 ??浏览次数: 次

美卓收购 Tedd Engineering、山特维克推出新型颚式破碎机——国外装备企业新动态




◆ 韩国现代工程机械拓展营销手段赢得沙特巴西大额订单

◆美国Superior Industries完成Cemco收购

◆美卓收购 Tedd Engineering 以提升骨料生产与售后的数字化和自动化能力



现代工程机械公司(HD Hyundai Infracore)已获得沙特阿拉伯和巴西客户的大规模订单,将供应131台DEVELON挖掘机和轮式装载机来满足这些订单。


随着NEOM未来城市项目的推进,对大型建筑设备的需求不断增加。为了满足这一需求,HD Hyundai Infracore 实施了单独的策略,例如通过迪拜办事处进行积极销售,以及在 NEOM 项目附近开设新的经销商并配备玩滚球的十大平台服务人员,以确保这些最新交易的成功。

包括最近的订单在内,HD Hyundai Infracore在沙特阿拉伯的“挖掘机、轮式装载机和ADT”销量已达846辆,与去年同期的558辆相比增长了51.6%。


巴西还订购了51台DEVELON挖掘机,以满足其公共基础设施投资需求。其中,22台大型挖掘机(80吨和53吨)将用于马托格罗索州铁路建设项目,29台14吨中型挖掘机将用于南里奥格兰德州招标项目 。


HD Hyundai Infracore的一位代表评论道:“我们继续成功赢得全球大型建筑公司的DEVELON产品订单,”并补充道,“我们将以此为契机,扩大我们在其他类似市场的大型设备的全球市场份额。”

与此同时,HD Hyundai Infracore正在线上线下开展各种营销活动,以提升DEVELON的全球品牌影响力并加强其销售网络,包括在哥伦比亚、加纳、巴西和沙特阿拉伯的户外(OOH) 机场广告,在其拥有10万名订阅者的YouTube频道上发布内容,并为当地经销商和客户举办活动。

HD Hyundai Infracore wins large-scale DEVELON orders from Saudi Arabia & Brazil

HD Hyundai Infracore has won large-scale orders from customers in Saudi Arabia and Brazil and will supply 131 DEVELON excavators and wheeled loaders to meet these orders.

Thirty 53-tonne excavators and fifty large wheeled loaders will be supplied to two Saudi Arabian construction companies and used for the NEOM project.

With the NEOM city project in progress, demand for large construction equipment has increased. To meet this demand, HD Hyundai Infracore has implemented individual strategies, such as active sales through its Dubai office and new dealership openings near NEOM city with additional service personnel, to ensure these latest deals are secured.

Including recent orders, HD Hyundai Infracore has recorded 846 units for ‘Excavator, Wheeled Loader, and ADT’ sales in Saudi Arabia, a 51.6% increase compared to the 558 units sold YoY.


Brazil also ordered 51 DEVELON excavators to meet its public infrastructure investment demand. Among the orders, twenty-two large excavators (80 tonnes and 53 tonnes) will be used for the railway construction project in Mato Grosso, and 29 14-tonne mid-sized excavators will be used for the public bidding project in Rio Grande do Sul.

A special feature of the Rio Grande do Sul project is that DEVELON will be providing 14-tonne excavators to its client exclusively, as their request was to purchase equipment mounted with proprietary engines for better maintenance.

A representative of HD Hyundai Infracore commented: “We continue to be successful in winning orders for DEVELON products from large global construction companies,” and added, “We will use this as an opportunity to expand our market share for large equipment in other similar markets around the world.”

At the same time, HD Hyundai Infracore is engaging in various marketing activities on and offline to enhance DEVELON’s brand presence globally and to strengthen its sales network, including Out-of-home (OOH) advertisements in Colombia, Ghana, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia airports, posting content on its 100,000 subscriber Youtube channel and by hosting events for local dealers and customers.


美国Superior Industries完成Cemco收购,确保制造业大幅增长

总部位于美国明尼苏达州的散装物料加工和处理系统制造商和全球供应商Superior Industries (Superior) 表示,已完成对 Cemco 的收购。



“这次收购是在我们响应经销商和提高制造能力之际进行的。”Superior Industries总裁贾森·亚当斯 (Jason Adams) 说道。“新墨西哥工厂将成为 Superior 所有反击式破碎机的新生产地,便携式设备的产量将提高约40%,并为我们提供玩滚球的十大平台空间来加强关键部件的库存。”

Superior 表示,Cemco VSI 的名称和设计不会消失,因为这种开创性的立轴冲击器在立方体骨料的生产中得到了广泛的应用和流行。展望未来,该公司将更名为 Superior Industries,但 Cemco VSI名称将作为Superior的VSI破碎机的商标继续存在。

Superior Industries completes Cemco acquisition, securing big manufacturing boost

Superior Industries (Superior), the Minnesota, USA-based manufacturer and global supplier of bulk material processing and handling systems, says it has finalised its acquisition of Cemco.

As part of the deal for Belen, New Mexico-based Cemco, Superior gains a 147,500-square-foot manufacturing facility in the heart of the American Southwest.


"This acquisition comes at a time when we're responding to dealers and increasing manufacturing capacity," says Jason Adams, president of Superior Industries. "The New Mexico facility will be the new home to all of Superior's impact crushers, increase portable plant manufacturing by about 40%, and give us more room to strengthen stock of critical components."

The Cemco VSI name and design aren't going anywhere, says Superior, as the pioneering vertical shaft impactor is widely used and very popular in the production of cube-shaped aggregate. Going forward, the company will be rebranded as Superior Industries, but the Cemco VSI name will live on as a trademark for Superior's VSI crushers.


美卓收购 Tedd Engineering 以提升骨料生产与售后的数字化和自动化能力

美卓已签署协议收购 Tedd Engineering,这是一家英国私营公司,专门从事移动设备和售后市场的自动化、控制系统和电气解决方案,主要专注于骨料业务。

Tedd Engineering 拥有约70名员工,总部位于英国德比郡切斯特菲尔德。该公司截至 2023 年6月的财年销售额约为1500万英镑。

美卓集团业务领域总裁Markku Simula表示:“此次收购显然增强了我们在移动设备业务(尤其是售后市场)中利用数字化和自动化的能力。” “我们致力于为 Tedd Engineering 的所有现有客户提供服务,并为他们开发新的解决方案。当前的Tedd Engineering 客户将看到他们的业务和未来投资的延续。

“除了美卓自己的移动产品之外,Tedd Engineering 还将为自动化售后市场业务提供新的机会,包括控制系统升级、数字解决方案和远程监控。Tedd Engineering 多年来一直是美卓 McCloskey 品牌值得信赖的自动化供应商,此次强强联手将为我们带来新的机会,加快我们的电气化和数字化计划。”

Tedd Engineering首席执行官理查德·胡珀 (Richard Hooper) 表示加入美卓是为了深化双方的长期合作,通过在整个产品组合中更广泛地扩大自身先进控制系统的范围,从而增强数字和自动化产品。”


Tedd Engineering为重型机械提供电子控制系统已有30多年的历史,并在行业中积累了无与伦比的专业知识和声誉。他们的控制系统、手机、接线器和模块均在位于英格兰和北爱尔兰的制造工厂制造。

Metso buys Tedd Engineering to boost aggregates digital & automation capabilities

Metso has signed an agreement to acquire Tedd Engineering, a privately owned UK company specialising in automation, control systems, and electrical solutions for mobile equipment and aftermarket, primarily focusing on the aggregates business.

Tedd Engineering employs approximately 70 employees and is based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. The firm's sales in the financial year that ended in June 2023 were approximately £15mn.

“The acquisition clearly strengthens our capabilities to utilise digitalisation and automation in our mobile equipment business and especially in the aftermarket,” says Markku Simula, president, aggregates business area at Metso.  "We are committed to serving all of Tedd Engineering’s current customers as well as developing new solutions for them. The current Tedd Engineering customers will see the continuation of their business and future investments.

“Beyond Metso’s own mobile products, Tedd Engineering will offer new opportunities for the automation aftermarket business, including control system upgrades, digital solutions, and remote monitoring. Tedd Engineering has been a trusted automation supplier for Metso’s McCloskey brand already for several years and coming together will give us new opportunities to speed up our electrification and digitalization programs."

Richard Hooper, CEO of Tedd Engineering, said: “Metso is one of the leaders in its field, and deepening our already long-standing co-operation by joining them is a very good next step for Tedd Engineering. I am sure that by broadening the scope of our advanced control systems more widely throughout their portfolio, we can enhance the already excellent digital and automation offering to their customers."

The acquisition is expected to be closed during Q4 2023. The parties have agreed not to disclose the transaction value, which has no material impact on Metso’s financials.

Tedd Engineering has provided electronic control systems for heavy machinery for over 30 years and developed unrivalled expertise and reputation in the industry. Their control systems, handsets, wiring looms and modules are built in-house at their manufacturing facilities based both in England and Northern Ireland.




山特维克 UJ443E 基于全新“全电动”履带平台构建,并配备高品质、信誉良好的组件以及最新一代山特维克 CJ412 颚式破碎机。



UJ443E 与山特维克的“转变战略”相一致,其设计更加注重可持续性、生产率和耐用性,同时保留客户需求的外观、感觉和价值主张。与上一代产品相比,全电动 UJ443E 可为客户减少高达30%的燃油消耗以及增加高达 30% 的吞吐量。

它具有电动终传动和车载发电机组,这意味着它可以以更可持续的方式运行,由外部电源、HVO 或车载发电机组的柴油供电。连接外部电源进行操作可以带来多种优势,包括降低运行成本、延长传动系统维修间隔、减少加油时间、减少现场排放和降低噪音水平。全电动履带驱动装置还可将工厂液压油的使用量减少高达91%。

UJ443E 具有 125 安培连接,允许客户操作筛选机或大块筛等下游设备,与运行单独的装置相比,燃料消耗最多可降低 20%。

山特维克表示,UJ443E 提供了一种用户友好的移动解决方案,该解决方案采用最优质的机载组件制造,控制装置和维护点位于地面位置,非常方便。

为了最大限度地减少停机时间并最大限度地延长正常运行时间,UJ443E 可以快速设置和关闭,并配备了新型独特的破碎机疏通系统,以清除颚式破碎机中的任何堵塞。

新的自动化系统具有 Optik 直观的用户体验,包括简化的操作控制以及与山特维克 My Fleet 远程信息处理解决方案的完全集成。诊断支持、预装的故障排除指南和实时信息使客户能够准确了解其设备的使用情况。






领先的 1400 毫米(55 英寸)宽主输送机现在可进行角度调节,并可通过远程液压锁定和高度可调的超带磁铁进行扩展;

还有一个更大的旁路溜槽和可选的天然细料输送机,配有 650 毫米(26 英寸)宽的皮带和 3.5 m(12 英尺)的料堆,电力驱动,可折叠运输;





Sandvik introduce new electric UJ443E heavy jaw crusher

SANDVIK Mobile Crushers and Screens are continuing to drive the sustainability shift in the crushing and screening industry with the launch of the fully electric UJ443E heavy jaw crusher.

The Sandvik UJ443E is built upon a new ‘fully electric’ track platform and features high-quality, reputable componentry throughout, as well as the latest-generation Sandvik CJ412 jaw crusher.

The machine’s new modular feed station includes a larger hopper, two feeder options with larger grizzly cassettes and an optional under-screen for greater natural fines extraction before crushing, allowing operators to optimize their process flow depending on feed conditions and material.

Capable of operating in the most hostile environments, the UJ443E is designed for hard and abrasive rock applications. Well suited to the quarrying, mining, and contractor segments, Sandvik say the unit is one of the most versatile and sustainable heavy-duty, mobile primary jaw crushers available today.

Aligning with Sandvik’s ‘make the shift strategy’, the UJ443E has been designed with an increased focus on sustainability, productivity, and durability, whilst retaining the look, feel, and value proposition customers’ demand. The fully electric UJ443E provides customers with up to a 30% reduction in fuel consumption and up to a 30% increase in throughput versus previous-generation products.

It features electric final drives and an onboard genset, meaning it can be operated in a more sustainable way, being powered by an external electricity supply, HVO, or diesel from the onboard genset. Operating whilst connected to the external electric source can bring several advantages, including lower running costs, extended drive train service intervals, reduced time spent refuelling, and reduced on-site emissions and lower noise levels. The fully electric track drives also decrease the use of hydraulic oil on the plant by up to 91%.

The UJ443E features a 125-amp connection which allows customers to operate a downstream plant such as a screener or scalper, providing up to a 20% decrease in fuel consumption compared with running separate units.

Sandvik say the UJ443E offers a user-friendly mobile solution, manufactured using the highest-quality components onboard, with controls and maintenance points located conveniently at ground level.

To minimize downtime and maximize the uptime, the UJ443E is quick to set up and close down and is equipped with a new and unique crusher unblock system to clear any blockages from the jaw crusher.

The new automation system with Optik intuitive user experience includes simplified operation controls and total integration with Sandvik’s My Fleet telematics solution. Diagnostic support, pre-installed guides for troubleshooting and real-time information allow customers to know exactly how their equipment is being utilized.

Summary of key features:

The fully electric track drives provide better control and agility when tracking and loading and significantly reduce the need for hydraulics on the plant and long-term service costs

Redesigned feed station with patent-pending hydraulic lift function for improved maintenance access and fixed jaw removal

Larger feed hopper is provided with a patent-pending folding and locking mechanism. The standard volume is 8m3 (11yd3). This can be increased with optional hopper extensions

Two feeder options are available. A vibrating grizzly for clean rock or a vibrating grizzly with under-screen for rock containing fines. Both are rubber lined and have significantly larger grizzly cassettes for greater fines removal before crushing

The class-leading 1,400mm (55in) wide main conveyor is now angle adjustable and extended with remote hydraulic lock out and a height-adjustable overband magnet

There is also a larger bypass chute and optional natural fines conveyor, with 650mm (26in) wide belt and a 3.5m (12ft) stockpile. It is electrically driven and folds for transport

The Sandvik CJ412 jaw crusher now has enhanced connectivity features, providing the operator with live operating parameters, heavy-duty electric drive, and onboard hydraulics for CSS setting regulation

The jaw crusher assembly can be removed for transport, which is useful in regions with restrictive transport weight regulations

The crusher unblock software reduces the need for an onboard rock hammer, reducing downtime and increasing safety on site

The alternator is sized so that a downstream screening plant could be operated from the plant's onboard genset, simplifying servicing and maintenance an improving overall fuel consumption.







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