发布日期:2023-10-07 ??浏览次数: 次
◆ Holcim投资清洁技术初创公司neustark,以期实现建筑领域脱碳
◆ 汉森宣布新的回收业务线,涉及建筑和拆除废物的回收再利用
◆ 美卓看好印度砂石市场,大幅提升阿尔瓦尔产能
◆ 特雷克斯、CATAGEN 和莱特巴士重型机械脱碳项目获得巨额融资
◆ 美卓致力于琼森品牌的全球扩张
◆ 徐工2023年上半年海外销售收入大幅增长
◆ Hillhead 采石展将于2024年英国举办
◆ 2023年第二季度美国砂石骨料产量稳定
◆ 柳工第一台全电动856HE轮式装载机在欧洲部署
Holcim invests in cleantech startup neustark
Construction materials provider Holcim has invested in neustark, a cleantech startup that offers innovative technology to capture and mineralise CO2 within construction demolition materials, thereby removing and permanently storing CO2 from the atmosphere.
Holcim says the collaboration builds on its commitment to putting clean technologies to work for a net-zero future, from carbon capture, storage and utilization to carbon dioxide removal.
Miljan Gutovic, Holcim region head Europe, commented: “At Holcim, we are working to decarbonize building for a net-zero future and neustark’s technology helps us reach this goal. After the successful demonstration of neustark’s solution in Switzerland, we are ready to scale up this carbon removal technology globally.”
The proprietary mineralisation technology pioneered by neustark involves capturing CO2, liquifying it and then binding it within construction demolition materials during the concrete recycling process, enabling building solutions that are both circular and low-carbon.
Holcim says that neustark’s goal to remove 1 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2030 advances its own mission to decarbonise building and drive circular construction. Holcim adds that its investment and strategic collaboration will help neustark scale its technology globally to build a net-zero future for people and the planet.
Holcim launches global Innovation Hub to accelerate sustainable building
Holcim has opened an Innovation Hub to showcase its sustainable building solutions and serve as a co-creation lab to accelerate low-carbon, circular and energy-efficient building worldwide.
Spread across three floors, the Hub offers working spaces to host start-ups and think tanks to accelerate innovation together. It will also serve as an urban dialogue platform to explore the future of sustainable cities and their construction via interactive exhibits and events.
Nollaig Forrest, chief sustainability officer, Holcim, said: “It’s a very exciting time for the building sector, with so much momentum in innovation to advance sustainable solutions. At Holcim, we want to partner with the best and brightest innovators to accelerate the transition to low-carbon, circular and energy-efficient buildings. Our Innovation Hub, within our global R&D center, is designed to host partners from start-ups to architects to explore new solutions together.”
Miljan Gutovic, Region Head Europe, Holcim, said: “Holcim’s Global Innovation Hub is at the core of our decarbonization journey. Our R&D teams here are focused on driving low-carbon formulation to scale up solutions like ECOPact, the world’s broadest range of low-carbon concrete, and ECOCycle, our circular technology platform recycling concrete into new materials to build cities from cities. Our Innovation hub is a great platform to put our expertise to work with our partners to scale up our impact.”
The Innovation Hub is located in Holcim’s Global R&D center in Lyon, France, where more than 200 researchers are dedicated to developing sustainable building solutions. Holcim’s experts cut across all fields of building, from masons and engineers to material scientists and experts in artificial intelligence. The center is focused on leading research, from low-carbon formulation and circular construction to green retrofitting for energy-efficient buildings in use.
Through an annual program of events featuring start-ups, think tanks and working groups, Holcim’s Innovation Hub will foster forward-looking exchanges with key stakeholders across the construction value chain to accelerate the shift to sustainable building.
The Holcim Innovation Hub opened on 6 September 2023; professionals from the construction industry can visit it upon request. Contact: innovationhub@holcim.com
该公司将回收建筑和拆除废物并进行加工和再利用,以补充和发展其业务,并向客户提供可持续产品。新业务线负责人詹姆斯·怀特劳 (James Whitelaw)介绍说。
James负责利用公司现有能力寻找有机增长的机会,并整合收购(例如位于曼彻斯特的 A1 Services)。
“通过回收、再利用和减少初级原材料的使用来促进循环对于实现净零排放至关重要,”企业首席执行官西蒙·威利斯 (Simon Willis) 说,“开发单独的回收业务线将使我们能够通过循环和创新为客户提供最可持续的产品,从而以更少的资源建设玩滚球的十大平台的建筑。这是我们实现成为可持续循环产品供应行业领导者的目标的又一重要步骤。”
Hanson announces new recycling business line
Hanson has announced the creation of a new recycling business line as part of its strategy to conserve natural materials and promote the circular economy.
The company will recover construction and demolition waste and process and reuse it to complement and grow its business and deliver sustainable products to its customers.
The new business line is headed by James Whitelaw, who moves from his role as aggregates managing director to become managing director of the new recycling business. He continues to report directly to CEO Simon Willis.
James is responsible for identifying opportunities to grow organically using the company’s existing capabilities and integrating acquisitions such as Manchester-based A1 Services.
“Promoting circularity by recycling, reusing and reducing the use of primary raw materials is crucial to reaching net zero,” said Simon Willis.
“The development of a separate recycling business line will allow us to provide the most sustainable products to our customers through circularity and innovation to enable building more, with less. It is another significant step towards achieving our aim of being the industry leader in the supply of sustainable, circular products.”
美卓骨料业务领域总裁 Markku Simula 表示,拉贾斯坦邦Alwar工厂自 2008 年开业以来已进行过多次扩建,其中最新的一次是迄今为止规模最大的一次,工厂规模扩大了约三分之一 并使其成为公司最大的制造工厂。
他补充说,新的扩建将完全专注于生产美卓集团多个品牌的移动履带式破碎筛分机。除了移动式 Metso Lokotrack 设备外,增加的产能还将用于制造移动式 McCloskey 和 Tesab 设备。在同一工厂,美卓还为骨料和采矿业生产耐磨零件和泵。
Simula 表示,印度、东南亚和中东对美卓来说是“巨大的增长市场”。
Simula表示,印度的特殊机遇来自于印度政府计划将国内高速公路建设从每天 39 公里增加到每天 60 公里。
美卓的 NW Rapid 系列便携式轮式破碎机可以非常快速地安装,是为了满足印度采石业的需求而开发的。
Alwar工厂目前共有约 1300 名员工。新工厂于 2023 年 9 月 19 日正式启用,美卓表示,产能提升将持续到今年年底。
Simula 表示:“随着制造能力的提高,阿尔瓦尔成为美卓在印度增加国内业务并向美卓全球客户出口的主要基地。此外,我们在工程和研发资源方面进行了大量投资,使其成为我们的关键业务之一全球工程中心。”
Simula补充说,美卓在沙特阿拉伯的业务也存在着重大机遇,这些项目包括塔布克省正在建设的The Line线性智能城市等一些大型项目。这座长170公里的城市是沙特2030年愿景项目的一部分,该项目旨在使印度实现多元化,摆脱目前对石油生产的依赖。
Metso to significantly increase manufacturing capacity in Alwar, India
Metso has extended its manufacturing capacity of mobile track-mounted crushing and screening equipment in the Indian city of Alwar with the opening of new manufacturing facilities.
The manufacturer says the extended facilities will help it capitalise on market opportunities for its quarrying equipment across India, south-east Asia, the Middle East and southern Africa.
Following the extension, the total size of the Alwar factory will be approximately 340,000 square metres, adding 35% more capacity to the factory.
Markku Simula, president of the aggregates business area of Metso, says the Alwar site in the state of Rajasthan has had several extensions since it initially opened in 2008, with the latest being the largest yet, increasing the size of the factory by about one third and making it the company's largest manufacturing facility.
He added that the new extension will focus entirely on producing mobile track-mounted crushing and screening machines from several Metso Group brands. In addition to the mobile Metso Lokotrack equipment, the increased capacity will be used to manufacture mobile McCloskey and Tesab equipment. At the same site, Metso also produces wear parts and pumps for the aggregates and mining industries.
Simula says that India, south-east Asia and the Middle East represent "tremendous growth markets" for Metso.
"If you look at our aggregates business globally, we are extremely strong in North America and Europe," he added. "Where we see the future growth opportunities is the eastern hemisphere. The countries that are most vibrant right now are India and Saudi Arabia. There is a lot of activity in quarrying in India. The Indian domestic [crushing and screening quarrying equipment] market is very competitive. We are by far the number one international player in India and the second largest overall after one of the domestic players."
Simula says particular opportunities in India come from the Indian government's plans to increase highway construction in the country from 39km per day to 60km per day.
Metso's NW Rapid range of portable wheel-mounted crushing machines, which can be set up very quickly, was developed to meet the needs of the Indian quarrying sector.
The Alwar factory now employs approximately 1,300 people in total. The official opening of the new facilities took place on September 19, 2023, and Metso says that production ramp-up to reach full capacity will continue until the end of the year.
Currently, 38% of the Alwar plant's output is for the Indian domestic market with 62% being exported to 80 different countries.
Metso's new Alwar, India factory features cutting-edge manufacturing capabilities. Pic:Metso
The new factory showcases the most modern manufacturing practices, hosting several sustainability-driven functions like automated warehousing, automated assembly lines, modern painting lines and 13,000 solar panels installed to enable the increased energy production. After the extension, solar energy covers 85% of Alwar’s total power generation, which is maximum permitted as per state government guidelines.
“With the increased manufacturing capacity, Alwar becomes the major Metso site for increased domestic business in India and exports to Metso’s customers globally," Simula says. "Additionally, significant investment has been made in engineering and R&D resources, making it one of our key global engineering hubs.”
The expanded engineering centre at Alwar now has around 100 engineers and Simula says it will play an important role in product development for the company.
Simula adds that there are also major opportunities for Metso's business in Saudi Arabia from a number of huge projects such as The Line linear smart city that is under construction in Tabuk Province. The 170km-long city is part of the Saudi Vision 2030 project to diversify the country away from its current dependence on oil production.
特雷克斯 (Terex)、CATAGEGEN 和莱特巴士 (Wrightbus) 通过红色柴油替代计划第二阶段获得英国能源安全和净零部门提供的 627万英镑资金。
能源消费者和可负担性(Energy Consumers and Affordability)部长阿曼达·索洛韦 (Amanda Solloway) 表示:“随着我们继续朝着到2050年实现净零排放的目标迈进,我们希望确保企业获得所需的一切支持,以推动我们向更清洁、更便宜的能源系统过渡。我们的资金将支持建筑和制造领域的突破性项目,以便企业可以将绿色能源纳入其日常运营。”
该项目将于2024年在北爱尔兰的一个采石场对由绿色氢能源和电动柴油驱动的 Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E 破碎机和 Chieftain 1700XE 筛分机进行脱碳端到端的演示。具体来说,Powerscreen设备驱动靠CATAGEN 的电动柴油技术 (ClimaHtech E-FUEL GEN)和压缩机技术,Wrightbus则支持移动加氢器的开发。
CATAGEN首席执行官兼联合创始人Andrew Woods博士表示:“非公路移动机械脱碳之路十分艰难;这些车辆往往体积较大,专为极端条件而设计,具有较长的工作循环和高功率需求。没有一刀切的解决方案,因此我们很高兴与特雷克斯和 Wrightbus 迈出这一大胆的一步,开发端到端脱碳解决方案。这将展示采石场的Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E破碎机和 Chieftain 1700XE筛分机,由双燃料氢电动柴油发电机组提供动力,由ClimaHtech系统和Wrightbus氢加注机生产和提供燃料。CATAGEN的目的是清洁空气并实现空气脱碳,这个项目使我们离减少全球排放的目标又近了一步。”
该联盟由两家全球行业领导者特雷克斯 (Terex) 和莱特巴士 (Wrightbus) 以及净零排放技术公司 CATAGEN 组成,该公司正在开创世界一流的创新解决方案,助力两家全球企业实现的净零排放的目标。
特雷克斯集团工程总监David Trimble表示:“该项目将通过提高传动系统效率以及用电子柴油和绿色氢替代化石柴油,展示特雷克斯破碎和筛分设备脱碳的端到端解决方案。主要目标是为采石和回收行业生产一套强大的设备,实现净零碳排放,并显着减少所有发动机排放。”
该项目将进一步促进 Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E 破碎机和 Chieftain 1700XE 筛分机的发展,通过低碳电源提高能源效率。它还将开发 CATAGEN 电动柴油技术 (ClimaHtech E-FUEL GEN) 的中试规模生产。这种插入式燃料不需要改变当前的基础设施,也不需要集成 CATAGEN 的混合压缩和分配技术 (ClimaHtech COMPRESSOR)。
Wrightbus高级工程经理安迪·哈里斯 (Andy Harris) 博士表示:“我们很高兴与北爱尔兰低/零排放行业的其他领导者一起参与这个高度创新的项目,支持用于非公路演示的移动加氢车的开发。开发出世界上第一辆氢双层巴士后,莱特巴士完全有能力传递知识、帮助邻近行业,而吸取的经验教训将是为整个运输行业制定可持续脱碳路线图的关键。”
Terex, CATAGEN, & WRIGHTBUS project to decarbonise heavy-duty machinery receives big funding package
Terex, CATAGEN and Wrightbus have been awarded £6.27 million funding by the UK Department for Energy Security & Net Zero through Phase 2 of the Red Diesel Replacement programme, as part of the £1bn Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP).
The British Government funding is part of an £8.1 million project to decarbonise non-road mobile machinery, creating 15 highly skilled jobs and highlighting Northern Ireland’s manufacturing and engineering expertise that is now being used to reduce emissions globally.
Amanda Solloway, Minister for Energy Consumers and Affordability, said:“As we continue towards our goal of reaching net zero by 2050, we want to ensure businesses have all the support they need to power our transition to a cleaner, cheaper energy system. Our funding will support ground-breaking projects in malting, construction and manufacturing so businesses can incorporate green energy into their day-to-day operations.”
The project will deliver a decarbonised end-to-end demonstration of a Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E crusher and Chieftain 1700XE screener powered by green hydrogen and e-diesel at a working quarry site in Northern Ireland in 2024. Specifically, the Powerscreen equipment will be fuelled by CATAGEN’s ClimaHtech E-FUEL GEN and COMPRESSOR technology, and Wrightbus is supporting the development of a mobile hydrogen refueller.
Dr Andrew Woods, CEO and Co-Founder at CATAGEN, said:“The pathway to decarbonise the off-road mobile machinery is difficult;these vehicles tend to be larger, built for extreme conditions, have long duty cycles and high-power demand. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we are delighted to be making this bold step with Terex and Wrightbus to develop an end-to-end decarbonised solution. This will showcase a Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E crusher and Chieftain 1700XE screener at a quarry, powered by a dual-fuel hydrogen e-diesel genset, produced and fuelled by the ClimaHtech system and the Wrightbus Hydrogen refueller. CATAGEN’s purpose is to clean and decarbonise the air, and this project brings us one step closer to our goal to reduce global emissions.”
The consortium comprises an exceptional blend of two global industry leaders Terex and Wrightbus, with CATAGEN, a net-zero technology company that is pioneering world-class innovative solutions that have the potential to advance the net zero ambitions of these two global businesses.
David Trimble, group engineering director at Terex, said:“This project will demonstrate an end-to-end solution for the decarbonisation of Terex crushing and screening equipment through driveline efficiency improvements and displacement of fossil diesel with e-diesel and green hydrogen. The main aim is to produce a robust set of equipment for the quarrying and recycling industries with net zero carbon emissions and a significant reduction in all engine emissions.”
The project will further develop the evolution of the Powerscreen Premiertrak 450E crusher and Chieftain 1700XE screener for improved energy efficiency through a low-carbon power supply. It will also develop the pilot-scale production of CATAGEN’s e-diesel technology (ClimaHtech E-FUEL GEN). This drop-in fuel requires no change to the current infrastructure and the integration of CATAGEN’s hybrid compression and dispensing technology (ClimaHtech COMPRESSOR).
Dr Andy Harris, advanced engineering manager at Wrightbus, said:“We are delighted to be involved with this highly innovative project with fellow leaders in Northern Ireland’s low/zero-emission industry, supporting the development of a mobile hydrogen refueler for off-highway demonstrations. Having developed the world’s first Hydrogen Double-Deck Bus, Wrightbus are well-placed to aid in knowledge transfer to adjacent sectors, and lessons learned will be key to developing a sustainable decarbonisation roadmap for the entire transport industry.”
中国非公路机械巨头徐工集团2023年上半年海外销售收入同比增长33.5%,达到209 亿元人民币。半年总销售收入达512.8亿元人民币(69.8亿美元)。
“徐工正在以创新和国际化为核心引领行业周期,以打造产品、规模、服务、数字化、智能化技术领先优势的世界一流企业为目标,实现战略转型和持续突破。” 杨说。
XCMG sees big rise in overseas sales revenue in H1 2023
Chinese off-highway machinery major XCMG saw a 33.5% year-on-year increase in overseas sales revenue in the first half of 2023 to 20.9 billion yuan (US$2.85bn). Total sales revenue for the half-year was worth 51.28bn yuan (US$6.98bn).
Sales of energy products in H1 2023 were worth 5.27bn yuan (US$717.56mn), a 174.9% growth year-on-year. Meanwhile, the market share of XCMG's major products has increased by 1.93% year-on-year, says the company. Domestically, XCMG claims it now sells more milling machines and asphalt mixing stations than its Chinese peers.
XCMG's first-half-year gross profit margin of 22.86% has increased by 2.44% year-on-year;the net profit margin on sales reached 7%, up 0.19% year-on-year, with the Q2 2023 performance reaching 7.54%, a 1.77% increase year-on-year.
"XCMG has been advancing steadily to achieve a resilient, high-quality development. In the context of a complex and fast-changing market environment, the new XCMG – with new ideas, new concepts, and new mechanisms – is pushing forward the intelligent and digital transformation following the five strategies of 'high-end, intelligent, green, service-oriented, and globalisation,'" said Yang Dongsheng, CEO of XCMG.
XCMG has established a 'four-in-one' international development model of product export, overseas factories, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and globally collaborative R&D. XCMG now exports to more than 190 countries and regions worldwide, providing not only "advanced and endurable" products, but also integrated services and spare parts support.
XCMG's overseas revenue of US$2.85bn in H1 2023 accounted for 40.75% of total company revenue, an 11.08% increase year-on-year, with multiple regions and products achieving rapid growth.
Company revenue in West Asia, North Africa, and Central America has risen by over 200%, sales in Europe are up 150%, and around 100% revenue growth was achieved in Central Asia and North America.
XCMG has opened sales companies in Great Britain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam, with more production bases, R&D facilities, and spare parts centres under construction and planning.
"XCMG is navigating through the industry cycles with innovation and internationalisation as the core focuses;it's our goal to build a world-class enterprise with leading advantages in products, scale, services, digital and intelligent technologies to achieve strategic transformation and continuous breakthroughs," said Yang.
Hillhead 采石展将于2024年英国举办
Hillhead 2024 将以破纪录的2022年活动为基础,所有领先的原始设备制造商OEMs都将参加采石、建筑和回收展。
参展商包括:沃尔沃(SMT)、小松、JCB、卡特彼勒(Finning)、特雷克斯集团(Powerscreen、Finlay、EvoQuip、MDS 和特雷克斯清洗系统、凯斯、山特维克、现代、贝尔、利勃海尔、德维龙、宝马格、柳工、 三一重工、维特根、麦克洛斯基McCloskey、Lippmann、Astec Industries、Telestack、日立、美卓(McHale Plant and Duo)、CDE、久保田、Takeuchi、Merlo、Gipo、Wacker Neuson、McLanahan、Anaconda、Rokbak、Superior Industries、Yanmar、Weir Minerals、 Ammann、Conn-Weld、Pronar、Keestrack、Bobcat、Mecalac、五十铃、Hidromek 和 Rubblemaster。
“今年展商对展会的兴趣程度是前所未有的。”活动总监理查德·布拉德伯里 (Richard Bradbury) 说。“我们很高兴能够在扩建后的 Showground 展馆为参展商提供一系列新的机会。”
Hillhead 2024采石展将于2024年6月25日至27日在英国德比郡巴克斯顿附近的Tarmac 希尔黑德Hillhead采石场举行。
该活动每两年举办一次,上次举办时间为 2022 年,为庆祝中断四年后的回归,开幕日创下了 40 年历史上最繁忙的一天,单日吸引了8283名参观者。三天内,有近18500名观众参加,其中包括 600 多家全球主要设备制造商、供应商和服务提供商。
Hillhead welcomes back industry favourites
Hillhead 2024 will build on record-breaking 2022 event with all the leading OEMs set to exhibit at the quarrying, construction and recycling show.
Exhibitors include:Volvo (SMT), Komatsu, JCB, Caterpillar (Finning), Terex Group (Powerscreen, Finlay, EvoQuip, MDS, and Terex Washing Systems), Case, Sandvik, Hyundai, Bell, Liebherr, Develon, Bomag, LiuGong, Sany, Wirtgen, McCloskey, Lippmann, Astec Industries, Telestack, Hitachi, Metso (McHale Plant and Duo), CDE, Kubota, Takeuchi, Merlo, Gipo, Wacker Neuson, McLanahan, Anaconda, Rokbak, Superior Industries, Yanmar, Weir Minerals, Ammann, Conn-Weld, Pronar, Keestrack, Bobcat, Mecalac, Isuzu, Hidromek, and Rubblemaster.
“The level of interest this year has been unprecedented,” said Richard Bradbury, event director. “We’re delighted to be able to provide a range of new opportunities for exhibitors in our expanded Showground Pavilion.’
The full exhibitor list will be released at www.hillhead.com at the same time as the visitor registration goes live this November.
Hillhead 2024 will take place at Tarmac’s Hillhead Quarry, near Buxton, Derbyshire, from 25-27 June.
The biennial event, last held in 2022, celebrated the return from a four-year hiatus by recording the busiest opening day in its 40-year history, with 8,283 visitors on a single day. Over the three days, just under 18,500 unique visitors attended, and more than 600 major global equipment manufacturers, suppliers and service providers.
2023年第二季度美国生产和运输的消费建筑骨料总量约为6.62亿吨,较2022年第二季度略有下降。2023年前六个月的消费产量下降与2022年同期相比略有下降。按消费生产量降序排列,领先的五个州分别是德克萨斯州、加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州、俄亥俄州和密歇根州。这几个州2023 年第二季度消费总产量为1.99亿吨,较2022年第二季度略有下降。上述估计基于美国地质调查局 (USGS) 季度抽样调查报告以及建筑骨料生产商提供的信息。
US crushed stone production stable in Q2 2023
An estimated 413 million tonnes of crushed stone was produced and shipped for consumption in the United States in the second quarter of 2023, unchanged from Q2 2022.
Production for consumption in the first six months of 2023 was essentially unchanged compared with that in the same period of 2022. The five leading States, in descending order of production for consumption, were Texas, Missouri, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Their combined total production for consumption in the second quarter of 2023 was 142 million tonnes, a decrease of 3% compared with the second quarter of 2022.
The estimated US output of construction sand and gravel produced and shipped for consumption in the second quarter of 2023 was 249 million tonnes, a decrease of 4% compared with Q2 2022. Production for consumption in the first six months of 2023 decreased by 6% compared with the same period of last year. The five leading States, in descending order of production for consumption, were California, Texas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Arizona. Their total production for consumption in the second quarter of 2023 was 89 million tonnes, a decrease of 3% compared with the second quarter of 2022.
An estimated 662 million tonnes of total construction aggregates were produced and shipped for consumption in the United States in the second quarter of 2023, a slight decrease compared with that in the second quarter of 2022. Production for consumption in the first six months of 2023 decreased slightly compared with that in the same period of 2022. The five leading States, in descending order of production for consumption, were Texas, California, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan. Their combined total production for consumption in the second quarter of 2023 was 199 million tonnes, a slight decrease compared to the second quarter of 2022. The above estimates are based on information reported to the US Geological Survey (USGS) on its quarterly sample survey by construction aggregates producers.
Aggregate Industries 在欧洲部署首台全电动柳工轮式装载机,柳工第一台全电动856HE轮式装载机在欧洲部署
作为其零净承诺的一部分,总部位于英国的Aggregate Industries公司部署了其第一台电动装载铲斗。
柳工856HE轮式装载机目前在位于伦敦东部Bow区域的Aggregate Industries London混凝土工厂运行。856HE据称是世界上第一台商用电池电动装载机,也是柳工在欧洲供应的第一台全电动轮式装载机。
柳工机械轮式装载机系列欧洲产品经理Oliver Keates表示,迄今为止,中国已部署了2000多台类似的柳工电动轮式装载机。
在Bow站点,856HE 装载铲将用于从工地铁路终点装载骨料,还将用于伦敦混凝土预拌混凝土工厂,以保持工地整洁并管理库存。
该车重21000公斤,配备423kWh磷酸铁锂电池,具有1.7小时快速充电能力。该机配备160kw发动机,铲斗容量3.5m3,充满电可作业11小时以上。使用Bow站点的Kempower提供的充电器,该机器可以在大约45分钟内从20%充电到 95%。最重要的是,它具有零燃料,零排放,噪音和振动低的特点。
它与今年早些时候在 Bow 部署的伦敦第一辆全电动预拌混凝土搅拌车 (26 吨雷诺卡车E-Tech D Wide) 一起部署。车队和工厂的电气化是 Aggregate Industries 在2050年之前实现净零排放的更广泛方法的核心部分。Aggregate Industries 可持续发展总监 Kirstin McCarthy 表示:“我们很高兴与柳工合作,我们是欧洲第一个将部署这款全电动汽车的客户。”
“我们与制造商密切合作,以获得正确的规格和测试,它通常可以在充满电的情况下提供 10-11 小时的班次,这将成为我们运营的真正资产。对于如何在 2050 年之前实现零排放,Aggregate Industries 有明确的前进方向,作为一家拥有大量车辆并消耗大量燃料的企业,我们车队的电气化是整体战略的关键部分。”
“从小的变化出发,然后加快步伐,随着我们转向低碳或零碳燃料或能源,我们将在 2023 年剩余时间和 2024 年在整个业务范围内推出玩滚球的十大平台电动汽车。”
柳工的Keates补充道:“与 Aggregate Industries 的合作帮助柳工可靠地传达了生产力和效率的信息。
第二台柳工856 HE将于今年年底前交付给Aggregate Industries。目前在Bow运行的第一台 856 HE随后将被转移到英国其他Aggregate Industries工厂。
今年5月,Aggregate Industries推出了“净零排放战略”,计划在2050年之前实现零排放。
Aggregate Industries deploys first fully-electric LiuGong wheeled loader in Europe
As part of its commitment to net-zero, UK-based Aggregate Industries has deployed its first electric-powered loading shovel.
The LiuGong 856HE wheeled loader is now operating at the Aggregate Industries London Concrete plant in Bow, East London. The 856HE is claimed to be the world’s first commercially available battery electric loader and is the first fully-electric wheeled loader that LiuGong has supplied in Europe.
Oliver Keates, European product manager for the LiuGong Machinery wheeled loader range, says that more than 2,000 similar LiuGong electric wheeled loaders have so far been deployed in China.
He adds of the 856HE loader:"This machine is suitable for a range of functionalities including quarrying applications, batching plants, recycling of materials and hopper loading."
At Bow the 856HE loading shovel will be used to load aggregates from the site’s railhead and will also be used on the London Concrete Readymix plant to keep the site tidy and to manage stockpiles.
The 21,000kg vehicle has a 423kwh lithium iron phosphate battery with a fast charging capability of 1.7 hours. The machine has a 160kw engine and 3.5m3 bucket capacity and can operate for more than 11 hours on full charge. The machine can be charged from 20% to 95% in around 45 minutes, using the Kempower-supplied charger at the Bow site. Most importantly, it uses zero fuel, has zero emissions and produces low noise and vibration.
It joins London’s first all-electric readymix concrete mixer truck at Bow, a 26-tonne Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide, which was deployed earlier this year. Electrification of the fleet and plant is a central part of Aggregate Industries’ wider approach to reach net zero before 2050. Kirstin McCarthy, Aggregate Industries’ director of sustainability, said:“We are delighted to be working with LiuGong and that we are the first customer in Europe to be deploying this all-electric vehicle.
“We have worked closely with the manufacturers to get the specification and testing right and it is routinely delivering a 10-11 hour shift on full-charge and will be a real asset to our operations.
“Aggregate Industries has a clear direction of travel for how we intend to reach zero-emissions before 2050 and as a business that has a lot of vehicles and burns a lot of fuel, electrification of our fleet is a key part of that overall strategy.
“Change begins small and then gathers pace and we will be rolling out further electric vehicles across the business during the rest of 2023 and 2024 as we move towards low or zero carbon fuels or energy sources.”
LiuGong's Keates added:“Working with Aggregate Industries has helped LiuGong to deliver our message of productivity and efficiency with reliability.
“This is a journey that began in 2018 for LiuGong, and we continue to grow and expand our electric fleet of vehicles. More and more companies can now see the benefits these machines bring to businesses, through LiuGong’s iLink Telematics, companies are seeing real benefits which are helping them achieve the ambitious targets that have been set by the Government.”
A second LiuGong 856 HE is due to be delivered to Aggregate Industries before the end of the year. The first 856 HE that is currently operating at Bow will then be moved around other Aggregate Industries sites in the UK.
In May this year, Aggregate Industries launched its Journey to Net Zero Strategy which laid out how it plans to reach zero emissions before 2050.