


发布日期:2023-09-12 ??浏览次数: 次






◆ 全球移动破最新进展

◆ 海外砂石骨料输送工具供应商设备技术分享


Screen Machine公司的循环冲击破


4043TR循环冲击式破碎设备是 Screen Machine 的最畅销型号,可提高生产率,同时减少停机时间。4043TR具有大型双层筛网,前面带有用于分级材料的细粉输送机。该公司表示,操作员可以使用径向侧边输送机将物料送回料斗作为第二个堆垛机。此外,Screen Machine表示破碎机泄压系统可以清除堵塞并最大限度地减少停机时间。该公司为筛箱设计的平滑启动可消除筛分设备在机器启动和关闭过程中发生的剧烈晃动。


The 4043TR recirculating impact crushing plant is the top-selling model from Screen Machine, delivering increased productivity while decreasing downtime. The 4043TR features a large double-deck screen with a front fines conveyor for sized materials. Operators can use the radial side overs conveyor feeding back into the hopper as a second stacker, the company says. Additionally, Screen Machine says the crusher relief system clears blockages and minimizes downtime. The company’s Smooth Start, designed for the screen box, eliminates the violent shaking that occurs in screening plants during machine start-up and shutdown.



Bison 340是EvoQuip Bison 颚式破碎机系列中最新、最大的产品。34 吨破碎机具有39英寸x 23英寸。根据EvoQuip 的说法,颚室开口和输出潜力为308 吨/小时,具体取决于不同的应用。该公司表示,Bison 340 专为采石、拆除、回收和采矿应用中的操作员而设计。它具有用于快速设置的履带移动性和用于完全控制产品尺寸的液压破碎机设置调整功能。标配的静液压驱动装置允许破碎机反向运行。EvoQuip 表示,这对于清除腔室堵塞或在沥青等粘性应用中破碎时特别有用。

New model is biggest in company’s jaw lineup


The Bison 340 is the newest and largest addition to EvoQuip’s Bison jaw crusher range. The 34-ton crusher has a 39-in. x 23-in. jaw chamber opening and an output potential of 308 tph depending on application, according to EvoQuip. The company says the Bison 340 is designed for operators in quarrying, demolition, recycling and mining applications. It features track mobility for quick setup and hydraulic crusher setting adjustments for total control of product size. The hydrostatic drive, which is included as standard, allows the crusher to be run in reverse. EvoQuip says this is particularly useful for removing chamber blockages or when crushing in sticky applications such as asphalt.



XJ 是一款40 x27英尺、柴油电动、65,000磅的履带式颚式破碎机。它能够以紧凑且易于运输的形式加工矿物并回收建筑材料。双动力破碎机的特点是颚式水平传感器、电动插件、按钮式液压封闭侧设定楔块调节以及螺栓连接的主机颚式结构。该破碎机配备了除尘系统、超带磁铁和可选的偏转板。其他功能包括发电机组 Tier 4 发动机、35.4 英寸发动机、重型卸料带、液压升降卸料带以及带旁路溜槽的阶梯式格栅。

Jaw plant combines productivity with environmental performance


The XJ is a diesel-electric 40-ft. x 27-ft., 65,000-pound tracked jaw crusher that processes minerals and recycles construction materials in a compact and easily transportable form, according to Screencore. Features of the dual-power crusher are a jaw level sensor, electric plug-in, push-button hydraulic closed-side setting wedge adjustment, and a bolted mainframe jaw construction. The crusher is equipped with a dust suppression system, an overband magnet and an optional deflector plate. Other features include a genset Tier 4 engine, a 35.4-in. heavy discharge belt, a hydraulic raise and lower discharge belt, and a stepped grizzly with bypass chute.



据MDS公司称,M515非常适合用于制造抛石和回收与粘土和其他粘性材料混合的岩石。M515 最近经过重新设计,包括改善运输、通道和储存高度的功能。该模型中的增强型发动机现在包括外摆式功能和外摆式检修平台,可以更轻松地检修机柜。此外,发动机的位置更改为装置的侧面,使客户能够将该装置安装在北美的小型拖车上,并降低运输成本。MDS 补充道,细粉和中间产品输送机被加长,以增加库存高度。

Solution for riprap and clay-heavy materials


The M515 is ideal for creating riprap and recovering rocks that are mixed with clay and other sticky materials, according to MDS. The M515 was recently redesigned to include features that improve transportation, access and stockpile heights. An enhanced engine in the model now includes a swing-out feature and a swing-out access platform that makes access to the cabinet easier. Also, the location of the engine was changed to the side of the unit, enabling customers to fit the unit on smaller bed trailers in North America and lower their transportation costs. The fines and mid-product conveyors were made longer to increase stockpile heights, MDS adds.




Masaba表示,Magnum伸缩式径向堆垛输送机和驾驶式卡车卸货机可实现最高的运营效率并最大限度地减少现场劳动力。Masaba 的 Magnum 伸缩式输送机配备了带有机械制动装置的单驱动或双驱动变速箱,可实现托管架的持续啮合和更平稳的操作,同时提高长期耐用性,并将年度维护需求降至最低。与此同时,该公司的驾驶式卡车卸货机具有单车道和双车道选项。


Magnum telescoping radial stacking conveyors and drive-over truck unloaders provide maximum operational efficiency and minimize labor on-site, according to Masaba. Masaba’s Magnum telescoping conveyor is equipped with a single- or dual-drive gearbox with mechanical breaks, providing constant engagement and smoother operation of the stinger while improving long-term durability with minimal annual maintenance required. The company’s drive-over truck unloader, meanwhile, comes with single- and dual-lane options.

Smiley Monroe公司的Zip Clip皮带



Smiley Monroe表示,凭借易于安装的推入式连接销,其Zip Clip 机械紧固替换传送带可在一小时内恢复正常运行,从而最大限度地延长正常运行时间。该公司表示,Zip Clip皮带可直接替代工厂安装的皮带(符合确切的规格),并且可以提供重型升级和定制功能。拉链夹带附带安装说明,安装后即可运行。拉链夹带有扁平型和 V 形型。


Insurance policies for when conveyors go down


With an easy-to-fit, push-in connecting pin, Smiley Monroe says its Zip Clip mechanically fastened replacement conveyor belts maximize uptime by getting operations back up and running in less than one hour. Zip Clip belts are available as a direct replacement for factory-fitted belts – to the exact specifications – and heavy-duty upgrades and custom features are available, the company says. Fitting instructions are shipped with Zip Clip belts, which are ready to run once fitted. Zip Clip belts are available as both flat and chevron types. They’re suitable for use with overband magnets, and a removable armored connecting pin makes the belts reusable.



Flexco的电动皮带切割机可快速、无缝地切割各种皮带,包括软质天然橡胶、硬质实心编织 PVC 和织物层压皮带。高速钢刀片可实现平滑、精确的切割,同时由于切割机的弹簧加载刀片防护系统提高了工人的安全性。Flexco 表示,电动皮带切割机可以切割各种宽度的皮带(厚度可达 2 英寸),并且可以处理延伸和纵向切割。

Cutter capable of handling variety of belt widths


The electric belt cutter from Flexco quickly and seamlessly cuts a range of belts, including soft natural rubbers, hard solid woven PVC and fabric plied belts. The high-speed and steel blade provides a smooth and exact cut while enhancing worker safety because of the cutter’s spring-loaded blade guard system. Flexco says the electric belt cutter can cut through a variety of belt widths – up to 2 in. thick – and it can handle extended and longitudinal cuts.






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