


发布日期:2023-01-03 ??浏览次数: 次



Aggregates Bussiness  International 资深记者 Liam McLoughlin 近期就当前中国砂石行业的近况和未来走势专访了中国砂石协会会长胡幼奕,并以《Urbanisation projects help support Chinese aggregates demand》为题作专题报道,胡幼奕会长就中国砂石装备发展成就、砂石行业政策、“无废城市”建设和未来趋势等方面介绍了当前中国砂石行业情况。





Urbanisation projects help support Chinese aggregates demand


The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has aff ected demand for aggregates in China this year but CAA, the country’s aggregates association, says rapid development in urbanisation projects is supporting demand in the country’s quarrying sector. Liam McLoughlin reports

2019新冠疫情对中国今年的砂石骨料需求造成了影响,但中国砂石协会CAA表示,城市化的快速发展支撑了中国砂石行业的需求。Liam McLoughlin 报道

In recent years, China’s annual production/consumption of aggregates has remained at about 20 billion tonnes, with an annual output value of more than 200 billion yuan (€27.84bn), and transportation costs of more than 500 billion yuan (€69.58bn), accounting for about 1/40 of Chinese GDP. This year, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the demand for aggregates has declined to some extent compared with previous years.


CAA, the Chinese national aggregates association, says that the main factors driving demand for aggregates in the country are real estate projects, large infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, water conservancy and hydropower, the progress of the new urbanisation and rural revitalisation plan, and construction of functional areas for coordinated regional development.


In the first half of 2022, national aggregates production totalled 8.18 billion tonnes according to data from the CAA, a 14.4% decrease from the same period in 2021. In the first half of 2022, under the support of the government’s policy of “steady growth in infrastructure”, high investment in infrastructure provided strong support for aggregates demand, but the growth rate of real estate investment continued to decline, which had an impact on demand for aggregates. At the same time, affected by factors such as COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control and the high inventory of aggregates-producing enterprises, the CAA says production in the first half of the year declined to a certain extent year-on-year.


CAA chairman Hu Youyi says that, currently, Chinese quarry operators particularly are looking for quarrying equipment that is suitable for large-scale, automated, intelligent and environmentally friendly production.“This is because China’s urbanisation progress is currently in a period of rapid development, and the demand for aggregates is large,” Hu states. He adds that a large number of small quarries have been shut down, and the number of quarries in China has reduced from more than 50,000 in 2013 to little more than 10,000 in 2022. This reduction is due to regional governments promoting the integration and reorganisation of quarries, and the building of large-scale quarries. Hu says: “In addition, China is vigorously developing the construction of [an] ecological civilisation, and environmental protection requirements are tightening. It is required that the quarrying equipment must meet the environmental protection requirements.”


Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai in mid-March of 2022, the CAA says the amount of aggregates consumed in the city in the first half of the year has decreased. Shanghai is an area that consumes aggregates, but does not produce them. The aggregates are supplied by waterways and land routes along the Yangtze River Basin.However, Hu says the lockdown’s impact on China’s wider aggregates industry is limited. “As Shanghai lifted the lockdown in early June after the epidemic was under control, infrastructure construction projects in all aspects were launched in an orderly manner, enterprises resumed work and production, and the supply of aggregates returned to normal,” he adds.


In terms of major developments in the quarrying and aggregates sector over the next year to 18-months, Hu comments: “In China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, the government has proposed plans of new urbanisation construction, dual circulation (a new pattern of development that is focused on the domestic economy and features positive interplay between domestic and international economic flows), and infrastructure such as highway, railway and bridges. “Therefore, China’s demand for aggregates will continue to increase in the future. Meanwhile, the CAA is working hard in the setting and revision of the standards for China’s aggregates industry, and quarry operators and equipment companies will continue to develop towards a large-scale, intensive, intelligent and environmentally friendly direction.”


Hu adds that some new types of quarry equipment have been launched in China this year, such as new hammer crushers and large-scale gyratory crushers. A range of testing equipment has also been introduced including rock-abrasion index-testing machines and rock-crushing work indextesting machines.


The most commonly used aggregates products in China are currently machinemade sand and crushed stone. The machine-made sand is mainly mediumcoarse sand, and the fineness modulus exceeds 2.3; the particle size of crushed stone is mainly between 5mm and 25mm.In terms of the exporting of Chinese aggregates, Hu says that currently aggregates output in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau is insufficient, and they basically rely on the mainland’s aggregates to meet their levels of demand. “About 100 million tonnes of aggregates (machine-made sand and crushed stone) are exported to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan every year,” he adds.



A number of recent Chinese government actions are currently impacting the quarrying and aggregates sector. In November 2019, 10 departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the ‘Several Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Machine-made Aggregates Industry’, and in March 2020, 15 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the ‘Guiding Opinions on the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Aggregates Industry’, which the CAA says stabilised the supply of the aggregates market and maintained the overall stability of the aggregates price.At the same time, the Chinese government is vigorously developing green mine and green factory construction, and has introduced strict environmental protection policies, which Hu says are all designed to promote the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the Chinese aggregates industry.


He adds that, to save primary quarry resources, reduce environmental pollution and waste of resources, China’s aggregates industry actively recycles waste including tailings, waste rock, stone powder, construction solid waste and cave slag.According to the CAA, there are more than ten enterprises in China engaged in the transformation of rundown urban areas, abandoned mines restoration, and comprehensive utilisation of tailings and waste rocks, with lots of successful cases.“China vigorously promotes the comprehensive utilisation of C&D [construction & demolition] waste, tailings and waste rocks. Dozens of cities have carried out the construction of ‘waste-free cities’,” adds Hu. “The utilisation rate of construction solid waste in these cities has reached 55%. The relevant experience gathered from this will be used nationwide in the next few years.” He says that dozens of enterprises across the country have been involved in the successful transformation of shanty towns, abandoned mines, and the comprehensive utilisation of tailings and waste rocks. He adds that there are many companies in China that are able to provide the market with overall solutions for recycled building materials, such as recycled concrete, recycled blocks, permeable bricks and other recycled products. “These have been applied in many fields, forming a new model of material recycling,” Hu says.







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